Kans op Pi-day

Pi-dag klinkt voor geen barst. Pi-day dus. Omdat Engels in onse academische wereld ook zo'n beetje de norm is. De kans op Pi-day was dit jaar nog kleiner dan vorig jaar. Maar toch is het weer gelukt. Happy Pi-day! The odds for Pi-day are even slimmer this year than they were last year. But also … Meer lezen over Kans op Pi-day

Why Google feels it should never ‘forget’. And why they’re wrong.

The European court has decided that people have a right to be forgotten, or have certain things forgotten about. This ruling means that Google is no longer allowed to ‘remember’ certain things for us, forever and for everyone. This morning I read an open letter by David Drummond, Chief Legal Officer at Google. Google, he … Meer lezen over Why Google feels it should never ‘forget’. And why they’re wrong.

Female viagra is just Whoppers for between the sheets.

This morning I read a large article about a new drug that is currently awaiting FDA approval. or actually it;s two drugs, Lybrido and lybridos. Both have been developped to make women want to have have sex. So, in a way, it is supposed to fix a problem much like viagra does. One big difference: where … Meer lezen over Female viagra is just Whoppers for between the sheets.

Why Big Brother wants your mug shot

Last week I went to a photographer to get pictures taken from my kids, one and three years old. Not funfunfun pretty pictures, but official depressing, bad lighting passport pictures. We're planning a trip abroad and with all these baby terrorists and kidnappings, obviously they need their own passports. And passport pictures. Let me hear … Meer lezen over Why Big Brother wants your mug shot

The digital future

Mat Honan's piece 'Kill the password' in the latest edition of Wired almost brought me to tears. Mat's online profile was hacked, probably for his Twitter account, @mat, and the hackers decided to just erase all his documents he had files in the cloud. Which meant everything digital he had, including all the pictures of … Meer lezen over The digital future

Being real. Is it really important?

One of the most important factors for companies to be succesful in marketing is ‘authenticity’. Or at least, such is claimed by marketing gurus. Why is Apple one of the most successful consumer brands in the world? Because of Steve Jobs. And Steve was authentic. Same story with Nike. And Coca Cola. Coca Cola brought … Meer lezen over Being real. Is it really important?

A little wake-up call, by Google

On february 29th Google must have lost a lot of data. Over all social media there were people reminding us that this was the day when we should delete our Google history. On march 1st Google would start combining its data collection (and collected data) from all its services; search, Gmail, Maps, YouTube et cetera. … Meer lezen over A little wake-up call, by Google

One thumb blogging

My most active blogging period must have been around when my first son was about three months old. This was also a time when I had a booming agricultural e-business on Farmville. How come? Well, babies tend to sleep large portions of the day. Not long enough for serious painting or writing but perfect for … Meer lezen over One thumb blogging